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Flood Expo - the world's leading flood exhibition and conference

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The Flood Expo is the world’s largest exhibition designed to help the most progressive flood professionals and property owners discover the latest innovative products, services and strategies that transform the way flooding is predicted, prevented, and managed. It will take place on September 11th and 12th at the NEC, Birmingham. Free tickets at


The Contamination Expo Series at NEC Birmingham

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The Contamination Expo Series is Europe’s leading contamination and geotechnical event. For two days of the year on September 11th and 12th the entire environmental and contamination industry meet at the NEC, Birmingham.

Created to provide businesses, private and public sector professionals and more, with access to the latest equipment and best practices that will advance contamination prevention, management and recovery.


Trewin Restorick from Hubbub UK talks about living more sustainably

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We are pleased to announce another event in our series of talks called P3Connect (People, Planet, Prosperity), organised by the Centre for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Surrey, where we invite industry experts to share their experiences and insights in sustainability. By looking at the challenges, opportunities and solutions being considered by organisations, we will engender discussions that bring to the fore these current issues in the sustainability arena.

Join us to discover what Trewin Restorick has to say about living more sustainably following the key lessons from Hubbub's four years of behaviour change campaigns.


You can now book for ICF's National Conference 2019: The UK's Role for Global Forestry

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Early Bird Rate: Book now to get a £60 discount off your two-day conference ticket.

Delegates will hear from influencers from the UK and overseas and explore the UK’s role in global forestry - its past, present and future, including:


AQE 2018 Seminar on Clean Air Zones

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AQE 2018 (Telford, 21+22 Nov), the Air Quality & Emissions event, will include a seminar organised by the EIC on 21st November focusing on solutions for the management and delivery of Clean Air Zones (CAZs).

CAZs are a major part of the Government’s plans to ensure compliance with EU limit values for NOx pollution and twelve cities are currently actively considering introducing a CAZ. While CAZs are likely to have a common framework, the details will vary city by city and the seminar will explore the issues that local authorities will need to consider in setting up the Zones and the technologies in the market which could be used to meet the requirements set for them.