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Impact of Low Carbon Technologies further refined

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altModelling of the impact of low carbon technologies has been refined further as part of the ongoing work Energy Networks Association (ENA) has commissioned on behalf of the DECC/Ofgem Smart Grid Forum. It will enable DNOs to more accurately plan for smart and conventional network reinforcement that will save consumers money.

As well as supporting the networks to compare different capacity solutions, the model, which was commissioned from EA Technology Ltd (EATL) and initially launched in July 2012, enables Ofgem and DECC to assess the likely effects of new initiatives.


All-Energy 2013 post-show facts and figures

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With two Ministers both making powerful and highly significant statements, All-Energy got off to a flying start when the thirteenth in the annual series was held 22 and 23 May at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre.

Rt Hon Ed Davey MP, Secretary of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) was able to announce that: “New research by my Department estimates that, since 2010, across the UK, over £29 billion of private sector investment in renewables has been announced supporting almost 30,000 jobs. Many of these jobs are highly-skilled and well-paid positions and employees can be proud to be a part of securing the UK’s energy supply.” He added: “The commitment of the UK Government to a vision of a low carbon future is building up a bow wave of new jobs and investment in the economy.”


Anesco on track to hit £100m revenue early

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altAnesco, the UK’s leading energy efficiency solutions company, is on track to hit revenue of £100million, after reporting a 400% growth in orders. The forecast comes on the back of impressive results for the last financial year, with the Reading-based company beating ambitious targets to achieve turnover of £55.1million and a profit of £3.4million before tax.


Industrial sector overspending on energy

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altNew analysis from the Energy Efficiency Financing (EEF) scheme has revealed that the industrial sector is overspending on energy to the tune of over £2.2 billion per year.

The analysis, based on official sources and proprietary EEF data, examined a number of sectors to calculate the amount that these industries were overpaying on their energy bills because of inefficient technology, equipment and controls.


Ethiopia looks to realise its geothermal energy potential

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altEthiopia, like its fellow Great Rift Valley countries, has enormous geothermal energy potential. However, the costs involved and the need for skilled expertise have, until now, been major obstacles.

In late January, the Development Bank of Ethiopia announced that, over the next five months, it will offer an initial $20m to kickstart geothermal energy projects in the country's private sector as part of a programme funded by the World Bank. A further $20m is expected to be made available at a later stage.