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RHI tariff rates for new applications

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The domestic RHI will pay, on a quarterly basis, the following tariffs per unit of heat generated for seven years (28 payments).

RHI System Eligibility

Eligibility information is provided by Ofgem and can be viewed in more detail here.

Biomass boilers & stoves
Space heating or space and hot water heating for a domestic property; log burning stoves not eligible.

Ground & air source heat pumps
As above; ground & air source heat pumps do not have to provide water heating to be eligible but may do so.

Solar thermal
Hot water heating for a domestic property; flat plate or evacuated tube only.

RHI Tariff Legacy Applications

Legacy applications are for those who installed an eligible appliance before the RHI scheme's roll-out date. Most legacy applications are closed, with the exception of some cooker stoves (31st July 2015). Check Ofgem's eligibility list.

What the 1GW Milestone Can Do

In December 2014 Ofgem reported that the 1GW target of installed capacity had been met - but what can this heating capacity provide?

The number of homes which could have heat provided by 1GW.

The number of hospitals which could rely on 1GW capacity.

The number of gas-fired power stations the 1GW capacity is equivalent to.

For further information visit