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Back Events O'Donovan Waste presented with Training Award at the Construction News Specialists Awards

O'Donovan Waste presented with Training Award at the Construction News Specialists Awards

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The team at O’Donovan Waste have won the Training category at the competitive Construction News Specialists Awards. The annual awards showcase talent from up and down the construction industry’s supply chain. Over the 16 years of the event, work highlighted by the awards has enabled collaborations between specialist innovators and major clients. The industry event took place as a virtual event this year and saw a number of prestigious awards given across 20 categories.

An expert panel of over 60 judges, including representatives from each of the top 25 biggest UK contractors adjudicated the only national awards recognising the outstanding achievements of specialist contractors.

O'Donovan stood out for their top-down focus and commitment to staff education, including a range of in-house compulsory courses for HGV drivers, real-time operational management data collection allowing further training needs to be identified quickly and their effective mentoring programme. Results from their comprehensive training curriculum have contributed to a 50 per cent reduction in idling, thereby improving air quality and reducing emissions by almost 20 per cent as well as delivering an innovative wellbeing training programme providing staff with mindfulness techniques to help them deal more effectively with negative emotions, such as anxiety.

Jacqueline O'Donovan, managing director is delighted with the award and said, “To receive such a respected industry award is a tremendous achievement for all the team and testament to the hard work we put in collectively to ensure that our staff have the skills, knowledge and confidence to operate as professionally and safely as possible.”

The judges commented, “O'Donovan’s commitment to training and development has improved every aspect of their business and has had a positive measurable impact. Their extensive engagement with schools, the community, emergency services and politicians are commendable. Strong personal leadership from the top of this business radiates beyond their organisation.”

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