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BREEAM preferred by European real estate investors

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A survey of more than 100 real estate investors across Europe has shown that a huge majority are in favour of certification schemes that recognise building sustainability. Almost two-thirds say their preferred scheme is BREEAM, the standard which is rolled out through a network of European and scheme operators.

The findings of this independent survey by international law firm DLA Piper, have been published in a report called Towards a Greener Future, which was launched last week at MIPM 2014 in Cannes.


Dome sweet dome - unique eco friendly family home

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altSolardome Industries, Southampton, UK, is celebrating moving in day with the Hjertefolger family. Their Nature House on a remote island near Bodo, in the Arctic Circle has now become their home and fulfils their lifetime dream of creating a sustainable, self-contained environment.

This Norwegian eco-project comprises a 15m diameter SOLARDOME® PRO geodesic dome, which covers the entire house and part of the garden. Built in just three weeks, the single-glazed dome stands 7.5m tall and contains 360 glass panels. With 832m of recycled aluminium framework, the dome has been designed to withstand the extreme wind and snow loading conditions of the Arctic Circle, at least five times that of the UK.


Construction begins on the UK's first eco town

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Construction of the UK’s first eco town, North West Bicester (NW Bicester), in Oxfordshire has begun.  Lead developer A2Dominion has started preparing the site for building works to commence for the initial phase, which will form part of the long-term vision to provide up to 6,000 sustainable new homes for Bicester.

The first phase of this pioneering development, known as the Exemplar, will see the construction of 393 highly energy efficient, zero carbon homes, creating the UK’s first true zero carbon community. This ground-breaking development will comprise of 40% green space, integrating cutting edge technology, economic opportunities and community engagement, with environmental integrity at its core.


BoilerMag helps specifiers improve energy efficiency

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altSpecifiers looking to maximise the energy efficiency of their clients’ central heating system should choose a magnetic filter before considering anything else, according to Eclipse Magnetics.

As well as improving energy efficiency by up to 6%, specifying a magnetic filter such as BoilerMag combats the problem of ferrous oxide or black sludge and in doing so avoids radiator cold spots, poor circulation, blocked pipes, excessive noise, frequent breakdowns and premature pump wear.


G F Tomlinson completes state-of-the-art £15M school

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altConstruction firm G F Tomlinson has completed a new £15 million school building project.

The new Tibshelf Community School in Tibshelf, Derbyshire has been designed and constructed to accommodate more than 750 students from the local community.