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The Fabric First Event - Showcasing the future of low energy construction

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An open letter - signed by leaders of 55 construction and property companies - to the Chancellor of the Exchequer was recently published in the Daily Telegraph. The letter encouraged the government to include "bold energy efficiency targets in their long term economic plan" and asked for all homes to be zero carbon from 2016. There are many factors as to why there is a growing demand for sustainable and energy efficient buildings, these include cost savings on energy and the reduction on global warming. It is clear that in order to reduce carbon emissions and ultimately save money for the end user, the industry must utilise new and innovative approaches for design and construction.


Source control SUDS secures clean future for retail park

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altFollowing a review by the Regulating Authorities, developers at Cribbs Causeway Retail Park on the outskirts of Bristol have turned to Stormwater Management’s D-Rainclean™ bio-remediation drainage channel to prevent contaminated surface water run-off generated by a heavily trafficked car park from polluting the nearby River Trym - a delicate ecosystem that is home to a wide range of protected fauna.


Stop demolitions and refurbish instead, says leading architect

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altVAT rules are undermining sustainable development by rewarding developers who demolish buildings and penalising those who refurbish.

Duncan Baker-Brown, architect of the University of Brighton’s Waste House, Britain’s first house made almost entirely of thrown-away materials, is calling on politicians to introduce an award system that encourages green retrofit projects to reduce CO2 emissions and combat climate change.


Green teams take a walk on the wild side

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The green surroundings of a nature reserve provided inspiration for a group of Redrow employees tasked with making the housebuilder’s operations more eco-friendly.

Redrow’s ‘green teams’ gathered at theBrandon Marsh Nature Reserve, theheadquarters of the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust (WKWT) in Coventry, to see how the organisation’s work could help them in their own environmental mission.


Redrow scores award for going green

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A national housebuilder has been rewarded for its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint at a prestigious awards ceremony.

Redrow Homes, headquartered in Flintshire, North Wales, won the ‘Green Award’ at the 2014 Daily Post Business Awards, which were sponsored by the Welsh Government and Bangor University.