Eco-friendly Midlands landlord whg will be in the pink after investing in the green credentials of homes.
The savvy provider has fitted photovoltaic panels to 12 low-rise blocks of flats in Streetly and Pheasey. The panels will generate electricity to power lighting in the communal areas of the blocks and additional energy will be sold to National Grid.
The sale will generate an estimated income for whg of around £450,000 over 25 years, demonstrating a four-fold return on investment.
Cliff Horrocks, whg Director of Asset Management, said: “It makes good business sense to invest in renewable technology. Not only will it reduce our carbon footprint, it has the potential to generate a quite significant non-rental income that we will plough back into homes and the community.”
Councillor Adrian Andrew, Walsall Council cabinet member for regeneration, said: “I’m delighted that whg is undertaking a green initiative in properties in Pheasey Park and across the Walsall borough.
“It’s important, with the rising cost of living that we do as much as we can to lower costs. This is a good investment.”
whg has invested significantly in its 128 homes across Pheasey and Streetly since launch in 2003, ensuring all meet the national decent homes standard. Major work, including replacing a kitchen, bathroom, heating system or windows, has been carried out to more than half of the properties in that time.
whg, which owns some 19,000 homes in Walsall, is embracing the renewable revolution across the business. Photovoltaic panels have also been installed at whg’s new Walsall office, 100 Hatherton Street, and solar thermal panels are fitted to new properties to generate heating.
The Skills Centre, where whg trains its own and external learners in construction, has a designated renewables workshop where industry accredited courses are delivered. Call 0845 155 0310 or visit for details of courses.