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Back Climate Change Carbon Emissions O'Donovan Waste launches Net-Zero Pledge

O'Donovan Waste launches Net-Zero Pledge

O'Donovan Waste is proud to announce its pledge to help tackle the climate emergency by setting out its ambitious aspirations to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions by 2035. Multiaward winning O'Donovan is a dynamic leader in the construction, demolition and waste sectors with a proven track record for placing greener initiatives and environmental performance at the forefront of their priorities and vision for the business. The family business has already invested heavily in sustainable buildings and state-of-the-art processing facilities and equipment, ensuring 100% of all waste processed is re-used, recycled and ultimately diverted from landfill.

In 2019, the UK passed a law to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, making it the world’s first G7 country to create this form of legally binding target. For a business to have a net zero carbon footprint, they would have to achieve net zero carbon dioxide emissions by balancing carbon emissions with carbon removal (often through carbon offsetting) or simply eliminating carbon emissions altogether. O'Donovan is now going further and pledging its commitment to be carbon neutral by the middle of the next decade – 15 years ahead of that target, with a launch and manifesto set to be released in the coming months detailing their road-map for change.

JOD commented “Climate change is a major problem that is being highlighted daily by scientists from all around the world. It is vital that everyone must take on their share of the responsibility and that includes business leaders in particular, in order to tackle the real challenges we face. We need to focus on achievable goals that are practical and that work, taking innovative, hard-hitting action to become more resourceful and rise to the climate challenge, making a lasting difference.”

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