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Environment UK

Online Magazine and Directory


Last update10:20:46 AM GMT

Environment Directory


Google Map Pacific Quay, Broadway
M50 2UE
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Contact Person: Kirsty Godrich
Phone: 0161 868 1300 / 07772 291243
Occupation: Environmental Consultants

Resource and Environmental Consultants

Resource and Environmental Consultants Limited (REC) is a multi-disciplinary Environmental Consultancy offering expertise in the built and natural environment both nationally and internationally. REC assesses and mitigates potential environmental risks in order to develop integrated services for an international client base. Offering seamless advice, our capability extends to full asbestos consultancy services, contaminated land investigation and remediation, geotechnical design and assessment, design and installation of renewable energy systems, corporate environmental health and safety services, ecology, flood and water management, acoustics, air quality impact assessments, stack emissions monitoring and workplace monitoring assessments.

Professionals on your side

REC has an outstanding track record in the delivery of a wide range of projects, from small sites with specific constraints to major development schemes; REC can provide the correct scope of works and specific methodologies to suit any project or budget.

REC has grown to be a respected professional consultancy that prides itself on technical expertise. As a company we invest heavily in staff training and company accreditation to ensure our clients receive the highest quality service.

REC's Service Offering:

Our culture is fundamentally based on adding value to any project or scheme in which we are involved, through a partnered approach to ensure technical excellence and practical solutions are provided by our teams of highly skilled engineers, scientists and commercial staff. REC has also continued to widen its service provision and today provides you with expertise in the following areas:

  • Acoustic Consultancy
  • Air Quality Consultants
  • Asbestos Management
  • Ecology
  • Environmental Management
  • Flood Risk
  • Geo-Environmental
  • Health and Safety Consultancy
  • Renewable Energy

We offer a national consultancy with an emphasis on local delivery from our 13 offices across the UK and Ireland.

Contact your local office or alternatively contact us online for further information.

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